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Self-awareness & Wilderness break

Retreat programs for 2024:

Yoga & Husky retreat

Indian summer

08/31 - 09/04/2024

In co-operation with:

Chiara Loos
Yoga Instructor aus Helsinki

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Chiara works as a yoga and meditation teacher in Helsinki. She says yes to everything that means life and brings, in addition to her outstanding expertise and high level of empathy, an incredibly
big heart for dogs.


Chiara is familiar with our camp,

and with dog work and

can provide you with additional, competent support.

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Individual small groups up to a maximum of 6 participants

5 days/ 4 nights (on request free extension of stay for normal rental prices)   

healthy full board (vegan on request)    

dailyYoga & meditationcourses (no previous experience necessary)

Huskies as process companions& communication training

personalpreliminary talk (Online) 

Nature Experiences & Practical life learning modules (Trekking with SOLO exercises, mindfulness training, making fire with natural materials)

Finnishwooden sauna & purification rituals for body and soul with a bath in arctic water

Hot tub wellness afternoon


Is this something for me? / What do I need to bring with me?


First of all: Just YOU and your desire for a break.

A stop, a deep breath in Europe's cleanest air.

Take time for yourself. How exactly the retreat goes is entirely in YOUR hands. 

You just want to switch off, enjoy the sauna & read a good book again?

Then welcome. 

Are you at a crossroads, are you looking for "more" or a look from the outside to find closer to yourself again? I will accompany you with the beginning of the preliminary talk on this journey of self-awareness and together we will initiate processes that will not only lead you closer to nature, but to yourself. You alone determine the intensity. 


And with a bit of luck we'll see the first northern lights of the season over the reflecting Haussee.


All inclusive price:990€ / person

Bookings, questions or requests via our e-mail address: 

All included services, information about camp & Arrival, as wellYou can find the full program here:

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